Welcome to Horneck Castle!

Horneck Castle is situated high above the town of Gundelsheim on the Neckar.

Welcome to this unique place!

Current Events at Horneck Castle


No news available.
  • 12.09.2020 - 14:00
    Tagung „Gründerzeit im Karpatenbogen. Die Industrialisierung Siebenbürgens 1867–1918“
  • 25.09.2020 - 19:00
    Buchpräsentation: "Schloss Horneck - Geschichte in Wort und Bild" des Historikers Konrad Gündisch
  • 01.01.2021 - 17:00
    Online-Hörbuch-Premiere: Pimpolinos Abenteuer auf Schloss Horneck
Heritage and Community Centre

Place of Communication

Transylvanian Institute, Transylvanian Museum, Heritage and Community Centre

  • Organise activities and events for these three institutions
  • Cooperation in planning and realisation of exhibitions, conferences, workshops, readings, concerts and guided tours.



A Documentation by Christel Ungar-Topescu about Horneck Castle.

Broadcasted  on the German language programme "Akzente" of the Romanian TV channel TVR1 on February 1st, 2018. Music from the Baroque Hall Johannes Honterus with Jürgen from Transylvania and the Carpathian Orchestra Heilbronn.

Start Film Here

Alexander Throm, MP and Member of the Group for Expellees, Ethnic German Repatriates and National Minorities of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group

„Horneck Castle  bears witness to the activities of the Teutonic Order in the 14th and 15th centuries in this area.  Thanks to its impressive history and  to its splendid location on the river Neckar it attracts tourists from all over the world.

As a member of the Group for Expellees, Ethnic German Repatriates and German Minorities of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Party in the Germam Federal Parliament I am particularly pleased that the castle now houses  the Transylvanian Heritage and Community Centre with its museum, library and event locations.

Honeck Castle is now the  seat of the central cultural institutions of the Transylvanian Saxons in Germany and I would like to thank you very much for your support of the cultural and social concerns of the Transylvanian Saxons. This centre is not only a a great gain for the Transylvanian Saxons, it also contributes to the rich diversity of thisregion".  


We have chosen representative statements to highlight  the significance of Horneck Castle as an historical monument and as a future heritage and community centre for the Transylvanian Saxons, for friends of their culture and for the inhabitants of Gundelsheim

Transylvania and the Transylvanian Saxons



Horneck Castle - Virtual Tour

Our Digital Tour


The preservation of the building substance and the refurbishment of Horneck Castle, following the requirements  for listed buildings and monuments, and its conversion into a heritage and community centre, as well as the preservation of the cultural heritage of the Transylvanian Saxons are all made possible by the generous support of the Commisioner for Culture and Media, by the Department for the Protection of Listed Monuments in Baden-Württemberg, by the Department for Urban Planning of the city of Heilbronn and by our substantial resources.

The following costs are not covered by public funding and still require your donations:

  • Indoor refurbishment of the 31 guest rooms, seminar rooms, offices and meeting rooms
  • Design of the entrance to the castle and thefoyer
  • Design of the staircase and corridors
  • Renovation of the staircase
  • Signposting and general orientation for visitors within the building
  • Multimedia equipment, advertising campaign, computers, etc.
  • Costs for the official opening in July 2020

In order for us to confirm the receipt of your donation, please enter your address under "Purpose".

We are happy to publish the names of the donors. If you wish to remain anonymous, please enter this under „Purpose“.

Please transfer your donation to the following account:

Account holder: Siebenbürgisches Kulturzentrum „Schloss Horneck“ e.V.

Bank:    VR Bank Dinkelsbühl eG
IBAN:    DE21 7659 1000 0000 0313 13


Thank you very much for your support!

Baubeginn Juni - Juli 2018

Video Horneck Castle

Start of Reconstruction: Summer 2018

Interview - Konrad Gündisch

Dinkelsbühl 2018 - Interview - Konrad Gündisch

Supported by:

following a decision of the German Federal Parliament